
Rigged Elections and Whether the Right is a Threat

On this our 50th edition, Andrew puts to Nic a thought experiment where a general election is rigged in order to get freedom lovers in power.
Would that be a good thing?  What are the moral implications?  Should outcomes matter more than methods?
This leads us onto whether the political right are a threat any more and whether we should only be afraid of the left taking control of the levers of government.
Finally, what of the terms “far left” and “far right”?  Are they used appropriately in the legacy media and corporate press?
Please visit our website to download or stream all our previous episodes and to read our articles.

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This edition can be found here: https://youtu.be/Qs10E52GSRE

Please reach out to us on Twitter:

Sounding Board: https://twitter.com/soundboardpod
Andrew: https://twitter.com/no_coercion
Nic: https://twitter.com/MrNicElliott

You can find us at the following podcast aggregators, and more:

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Photo by Randy Colas on Unsplash

Labels, Tribalism and Rejecting Definitions

Do you hate being labelled?  Nic certainly does, and in this edition he explains why he rejects being put into categories, and his squeamishness over membership of tribes.

Whether its atheist, liberal or even libertarian – we discuss whether there is any label that fits our outlook on the world, and lament that all the definitions we could associate with have been hijacked, mis-defined or were even invented by the other side.

Does a term get watered down if its over used, as has racism and fascism in recent years?

Please visit our website to download or stream all our previous episodes and to read our articles.

Web: https://soundingboard.com

Podcast RSS: https://soundingboard.com/feed/podcast

Remember, you can now subscribe on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWzAT–UxzErq_UU5SCUtFg

This edition can be found here: https://youtu.be/uOjOeYGZ8UU

Please reach out to us on Twitter:

Sounding Board: https://twitter.com/soundboardpod
Andrew: https://twitter.com/no_coercion
Nic: https://twitter.com/MrNicElliott

You can find us at the following podcast aggregators, and more:

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/sounding-board/id1413474037

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0BfeT7diEqD4S1dIkvWDEH

Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/sounding-board

Player FM: https://player.fm/series/2398529

Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9zb3VuZGluZ2JvYXJkLmNvbS9mZWVkL3BvZGNhc3Q

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Photo by Melinda Martin-Khan on Unsplash

The Differences Between The Left and The Right

There are some fairly fundamental characteristics of being left wing and right wing.  But do people actually know the differences, or would they mis-categorise a lot of the traits of both?
We discuss whether Andrew’s succinct definitions of the left and the right hold water and then go on to attempt to describe the traits of both left wingers and right wingers and whether they overlap.
Regulation and nationalisation quickly become topics of conversation, along with the use of evidence and intention.   But are we missing how class and power are just as important in these definitions?
Find out in the latest edition of Sounding Board.
Please visit our website to download or stream all our previous episodes and to read our articles.
Web: https://soundingboard.com
Podcast RSS: https://soundingboard.com/feed/podcast
Remember, you can now subscribe on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWzAT--UxzErq_UU5SCUtFg
This edition can be found here: https://youtu.be/Vr4ZsX2wzlc
Please reach out to us on Twitter:
Sounding Board: https://twitter.com/soundboardpod
Andrew: https://twitter.com/no_coercion
Nic: https://twitter.com/MrNicElliott
You can find us at the following podcast aggregators, and more:
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/sounding-board/id1413474037
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0BfeT7diEqD4S1dIkvWDEH
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/sounding-board
Player FM: https://player.fm/series/2398529
Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9zb3VuZGluZ2JvYXJkLmNvbS9mZWVkL3BvZGNhc3Q
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Photo by Adri Tormo on Unsplash

Socialism: What If The Labour Party Had Won?

Even though the Conservative Party won a comfortable majority in the December 2019 UK General Election, it’s still worth talking about what life would have been like under Jeremy Corbyn’s socialist Labour Party.

What would happen when the economic policies of nationalisation, massive spending and capital controls started yielding truly negative results? Would the Labour Party move towards the centre ground of politics again, or double down on more state ownership?

Please visit our website to download or stream all our previous episodes and to read our articles.
Remember, you can now subscribe on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWzAT–UxzErq_UU5SCUtFg
This edition can be found here: https://youtu.be/2AAIoeDHNKo
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The Witcher, Wokeness and Bad TV

“Evil is Evil. Lesser, greater, middling… Makes no difference. The degree is arbitary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another… I’d rather not choose at all.”
~ Geralt of Rivia
The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski
In this first edition of 2020, Nic talks about his Christmas break of watching a load of TV, and how it’s made him want to rant about wokeness.
From the film Mary Queen of Scots, and it’s jarring historical inaccuracies to BBC’s His Dark Materials, which is just plain bad, we talk about what you should and shouldn’t do with a character, and whether changing history makes something science fiction.
But it’s not all bad as Netflix’s The Witcher proves to have a lead character with a great moral compass, along with great acting and story, and production values that leaves His Dark Materials, well… in the dark.
After Ricky Gervais’s savaging of Hollywood wokeness in the Golden Globes, is it time for more libertarian characters in film and TV?
Please visit our website to download or stream all our previous episodes and to read our articles.
Remember, you can now subscribe on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWzAT–UxzErq_UU5SCUtFg
This edition can be found here: https://youtu.be/uUpgt_GG1U4
Please reach out to us on Twitter:
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Photo by Daniel Lee on Unsplash

Cherán, Mexico – How One Town Expelled The State

In 2011 the residents of a small municipality in Mexico rose up against politicians, the police and illegal loggers associated with the drug cartel La Familia Michoacana. Expelling the corruption and driving those responsible from the town, the crime rate in Cherán has dropped off a cliff.

What can we learn from their unique example? Do you really need the state?

Is centralised control really the best way of achieving any kind of good outcomes?

Or is decentralisation and self control the way forward?

The Libertarian Manifesto by Murray Rothbard can be downloaded for free, here: https://mises.org/library/new-liberty-libertarian-manifesto

The Machinery Of Freedom by David D. Friedman can be downloaded for free, here: http://www.daviddfriedman.com/The_Machinery_of_Freedom_.pdf

Please visit our website to download or stream all our previous episodes and to read our articles.
Remember, you can now subscribe on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWzAT–UxzErq_UU5SCUtFg
This edition can be found here: https://youtu.be/QwUCI-duCjU
Please reach out to us on Twitter:
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Election Results 2019 – Who and what were the real winners?

It’s results day 2019!

In this episode, we discuss the UK General Election results. We look at statistics, trends, vote share and debate who, & what, were the real winners and losers this time around.

We may be relieved, but is the result actually bittersweet?

Please visit our website to download or stream all our previous episodes and to read our articles.
Remember, you can now subscribe on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWzAT–UxzErq_UU5SCUtFg
This edition can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2t3TShZ690Q
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General Election 2019 and the Current State of British Politics

It’s that time again! It’s polling day tomorrow, so we couldn’t record anything but a General Election special.

We discuss the latest YouGov MRP (whatever that stands for…), trends amongst other polls and the state of the current crop of political parties.

Just how close do we think the result will be? Will we be heading for a strong Tory majority? Or will we face another hung parliament? Are we really in a time of unprecedented political turmoil?

Please visit our website to download or stream all our previous episodes and to read our articles.
Remember, you can now subscribe on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWzAT–UxzErq_UU5SCUtFg
This edition can be found here: https://youtu.be/S_H4ACRYLQA
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Democracy, Libertarianism and the Trouble with Voting

Recorded straight after the last edition, we follow on with a discussion on the problems of our democratic system and whether we only have a choice of the “least worst” from here on in.

We talk about whether voting matters in a “safe seat”, and whether we have been unwittingly encouraging others to vote on twitter by pointing out how dangerous the Labour Party policies are.

Should Nic hold his nose and vote Tory to stop the Communists? Where do you draw the line with Socialism? Should you always vote for the least Socialist party?

We discuss all of this, and a hypothetical Libertarian Party that would have the power to dismantle all of it…if only they were voted in.

Please visit our website to download or stream all our previous episodes and to read our articles.
Remember, you can now subscribe on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWzAT–UxzErq_UU5SCUtFg
This edition can be found here: https://youtu.be/TUBof8fsMBY
Please reach out to us on Twitter:
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The Leftwards Drift of UK Politics

In this episode we analyse the manifestos of all major UK parties. And the Greens.

Andrew reached for the short straw this week when he had to read all parties’ manifestos for the upcoming UK General Election on December 12th.

Why are they all so similar? Why is it so hard to tell the difference, these days? Is any party doing anything new?

Please visit our website to download or stream all our previous episodes and to read our articles.
Remember, you can now subscribe on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWzAT–UxzErq_UU5SCUtFg
This edition can be found here: https://youtu.be/vSqshwW3oXc
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