Episode Archives

Transgender Sports, Conspiracy Theories and Contagion

This episode Andrew starts with an article about a topic he is genuinely an expert in: volleyball. Recently, a female volleyball player suffered head & neck injuries after being hit with a volleyball that was spiked by a trans woman (a man cosplaying as a woman). We discuss the gulf between men & women in volleyball, in wider sports and what is likely to happen in the near future.

We then talk a little about conspiracies, including 911 and the Joe Biden Replacement Theory where the President of the United States appears to have had surgery that’s given him webbed ears (why would you?).

After that, we talk about the differences between germ & terrain theories, where we stand on them and how contagion fits into them both.

Image is Andrew playing volleyball in the top division in England.

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Collapsing Currencies, Psychopaths and Conspiracy Theories

Here at Sounding Board, we take pride in talking about issues that are conspicuous due to their absence in the corporate press and legacy media.

So for us, issues often become recurring topics, when you’ll rarely hear about them anywhere else. We begin with one such topic: currency collapse.

Specifically, in this case, the petrodollar and what’s currently happening to it.

In this episode I begin by giving a brief history of the gold standard, world reserve currencies, and moving away from gold while embracing oil (for nefarious reasons, of course).

We then talk a little about Taiwan, about China and how in general America isn’t making any friends around the world, specifically in places you would expect it, like in Europe.

We then talk a little about psychopaths, how the media has portrayed them and where the real concentration of them lie before taking an about turn and discussing 911 & other conspiracy theories.

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Please visit our website to download or stream all our previous episodes and to read our articles.

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Sounding Board: https://twitter.com/soundboardpod
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Nic: https://twitter.com/MrNicElliott

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Apples And Antimatter

Have you watched Clarkson’s Farm, yet?

If you have, you might be wondering just how realistic it is.

In this episode we talk about the realities faced by farmers everywhere, after I spent time with some, asking them questions about all the rules and regulations they have to adhere to.

We then check back in with Scott Adams, and discuss whether his model of decision making is sound, or whether his assumptions were flawed. How did we interpret dodgy data and still use it effectively when he didn’t?

After that, we take a look at the latest Twitter Files drop from Matt Taibbi and wonder why some things are specifically highlighted to be bad when other, far worse things, seem to be revealed.

Please visit our website to download or stream all our previous episodes and to read our articles.

Web: https://soundingboard.com

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Reach out to us on Twitter:

Sounding Board: https://twitter.com/soundboardpod
Andrew: https://twitter.com/no_coercion
Nic: https://twitter.com/MrNicElliott

You can find us at the following podcast aggregators, and more:

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/sounding-board/id1413474037

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0BfeT7diEqD4S1dIkvWDEH

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Of Course It’s A Conspiracy

Since the first lockdown, back in 2020, there have been different groups of people.

Firstly, authoritarians who relished in the new regulations & restrictions. Then there were the lockdown sceptics. Those of us who knew it was a terrible idea.

But the sceptics were also firmly split into two camps. Those of us who thought that something sinister is afoot, and those crazy cock up theorists.

In this episode we look at the recent WhatsApp messages between disgraced former health Secretary Matt Hancock and other senior ministers & civil servants. We try to steel man the arguments for cock up but, we have to warn you at the beginning, it’s not looking good for Toby Young…

Please visit our website to download or stream all our previous episodes and to read our articles.

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Reach out to us on Twitter:

Sounding Board: https://twitter.com/soundboardpod
Andrew: https://twitter.com/no_coercion
Nic: https://twitter.com/MrNicElliott

You can find us at the following podcast aggregators, and more:

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/sounding-board/id1413474037

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0BfeT7diEqD4S1dIkvWDEH

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The List

In our recent podcasts, there have been a few recurring themes.

One of these themes has been the “cock up or conspiracy” question, as there are still many who believe that everything bad since 2020 has been the result of mistakes, of one well intentioned but ultimately disastrous policy after another.

In the last episode, we suggested writing a list of everything that happened, for us to remind ourselves of just how much damage has been done. So we both went away and added policy after policy, regulation after regulation to a shared list. Soon, it was staggeringly long.

In this episode, we go through that list.

We ask ourselves just how many of these catastrophes in a row have to happen, before the blue pilled will admit, that something slightly sinister is afoot? And is there a special category of policy, those that are not only wrong, but completely the opposite of what should have happened, and is one of these enough to imply a sinister motive on its own?

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Please visit our website to download or stream all our previous episodes and to read our articles.

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Sounding Board: https://twitter.com/soundboardpod
Andrew: https://twitter.com/no_coercion
Nic: https://twitter.com/MrNicElliott

You can find us at the following podcast aggregators, and more:

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/sounding-board/id1413474037

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0BfeT7diEqD4S1dIkvWDEH

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Almost Always Eventually Right

How many types of people have there been during the past three years of insanity?

We tend to think of there being two distinct camps, pro covid measures and anti. But is it really that simple?

There are many people who were anti lockdown, but pro vaccine.

And even the pro vaccine can be separated again. Those who advocated mandates and those who appreciate bodily autonomy.

In this episode, we sit down and try to map out those different groups of people, along the way finding examples of prominent commentators & politicians who fit those descriptions.

Photo by Sounding Board

Please visit our website to download or stream all our previous episodes and to read our articles.

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Reach out to us on Twitter:

Sounding Board: https://twitter.com/soundboardpod
Andrew: https://twitter.com/no_coercion
Nic: https://twitter.com/MrNicElliott

You can find us at the following podcast aggregators, and more:

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/sounding-board/id1413474037

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0BfeT7diEqD4S1dIkvWDEH

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Bad Losers

Last time around, we talked a lot about two well known commentators, Scott Adams and Sam Harris.

Both vaccinated, and boosted up to the eyeballs, they’re now taking different paths. Scott has admitted that the anti vaxxers have won, whilst Sam is doubling down on everything.

But who is doing more for the anti covid jab cause? The guy who admits he made the wrong decision but thinks antivaxxers were just lucky gamblers? Or the guy who is still pro vax, but is so unbelievably unhinged that he will put people off?

Photo by Braňo on Unsplash

Please visit our website to download or stream all our previous episodes and to read our articles.

Web: https://soundingboard.com

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Reach out to us on Twitter:

Sounding Board: https://twitter.com/soundboardpod
Andrew: https://twitter.com/no_coercion
Nic: https://twitter.com/MrNicElliott

You can find us at the following podcast aggregators, and more:

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/sounding-board/id1413474037

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0BfeT7diEqD4S1dIkvWDEH

Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/sounding-board

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Masks, Masseuses and Morons

In this episode, Andrew starts out by relaying some information about his recent visit to our beloved NHS, peace be upon it.

Andrew and Nic then discuss a couple of people from the other side, Sam Harris and Scott Adams. Both have been pro vax, but both have appeared recently with completely different outlooks.

Finally, Nic speaks about his recent experience with a new ally.

Please visit our website to download or stream all our previous episodes and to read our articles.

Web: https://soundingboard.com

Podcast RSS: https://soundingboard.com/feed/podcast

Remember, you can now subscribe on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWzAT–UxzErq_UU5SCUtFg

Please check out our new Telegram channel: https://t.me/soundingboard

Reach out to us on Twitter:

Sounding Board: https://twitter.com/soundboardpod
Andrew: https://twitter.com/no_coercion
Nic: https://twitter.com/MrNicElliott

You can find us at the following podcast aggregators, and more:

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/sounding-board/id1413474037

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0BfeT7diEqD4S1dIkvWDEH

Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/sounding-board

Player FM: https://player.fm/series/2398529

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By Psychopaths, For Psychopaths

In 2017, the American NGO: Center for Health Security, there’s a scary name, created The SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028. A futuristic scenario for public health communicators.

The parallels between SPARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 are uncanny. And not just the virus itself, but the way it’s handled by the cathedral.

In this episode, we take a good look at the script our dear leaders were all following. It’s chilling stuff.

After that, we take a moment to analyse just why vaccine scepticism is starting to enter the mainstream, with Dr Aseem Malhotra, the respected British Cardiologist, recently mentioning vaccine harms on the BBC.

We also try to work out why some journalists, who may or may not rhyme with kobe lung, still cling on to cock up over conspiracy.


Please visit our website to download or stream all our previous episodes and to read our articles.

Web: https://soundingboard.com

Podcast RSS: https://soundingboard.com/feed/podcast

Remember, you can now subscribe on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWzAT–UxzErq_UU5SCUtFg

Please check out our new Telegram channel: https://t.me/soundingboard

Reach out to us on Twitter:

Sounding Board: https://twitter.com/soundboardpod
Andrew: https://twitter.com/no_coercion
Nic: https://twitter.com/MrNicElliott

You can find us at the following podcast aggregators, and more:

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/sounding-board/id1413474037

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0BfeT7diEqD4S1dIkvWDEH

Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/sounding-board

Player FM: https://player.fm/series/2398529

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Tangents on tangents on tangents

Bear with us on this pod, as even the tangents we take have tangents of their own.

A bit of a ramble, in this edition Andrew goes dark early, and we talk about the possibility of everyone dying who’s taken the experimental gene therapies.

What about the new evidence on IgG4 antibodies and original antigenic sin?

We talk about the FDA and regulation, and the facebook equivalent of the twitter files with a live lawsuit.

Want a white pill? Andrew’s masseuse is taking more payments in cash.