
Is Democracy A Check On Power?

The biggest encroachment on civil liberties has taken place in 2020, and under a Conservative government.  How did this happen without any scrutiny?

Democracy was one of the first things to be suspended, so how can it be used to check the power of those at the top?

Do opposition parties ever oppose when it really matters?  Or when they sense a threat to the entire establishment, do they buckle up for the ride, so as to maintain their place in the system?

And what of the rule of law?  Sacrosanct for some, but if bad laws are passed, isn’t it our moral duty to disobey them?

We discuss all this and more, in the latest edition of Sounding Board.

Photo by Jannes Van den wouwer on Unsplash

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The Great Derangement

After more than a week of Black Lives Matter protests, and statues being torn down, we discuss whether destruction of public property is as bad as private property, and how the Autonomous Zone in Seattle has already formed at least one government since ditching the last one.  The Minneapolis Police force is being officially dismantled, but what will be created in its place, and is this a good experiment?

J K Rowling has put the cat amongst the pigeons again with her thoroughly reasonable and logic tweets on biological sex and the existence of women, but yet the woke are in full backlash.  Are the general public starting to see the inherent contradictions in woke ideology?

Maybe we are under no more danger any more from Coronavirus (hint, we kind of never where), and that’s why all this woke nonsense has surfaced again.  It’s amazing what you can do while you are on government paid furlough. 

And what of Boris?  Does he resemble another former Tory Prime Minister?

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Boris Decriminalises Gardens

As the Prime Minister announces the changes to guidance and regulations effective from 1June 2020, we look at the stupidity of the first set of regulations, and how adding a 6 person limit could make it worse for people, not better.

Gardens become legal places to congregate, but don’t think about going indoors for a cuppa. Are these ridiculous restrictions the death knell for lockdown?

Photo by Evan Dvorkin on Unsplash

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Covid-19 State Expansion, Everyone’s a Right Winger and Panic Buying Baileys

Our last recording before the lockdown, we explore Commander Sunak’s budget-busting spending pledges in reaction to the Coronavirus, and whether no one is a Libertarian in a pandemic, or conversely everyone is.

With the lockdown rules about to be announced, we explain how the government’s response is an entirely right wing one, and why the left wing opposition waved through the budget – no questions asked.

We explore the politics of post-Covid-19, and how Boris can become the Ultimate Centrist off the back of all this spending.

How important is democracy? Should you be panic buying Baileys? And don’t you just wish we were all talking about Brexit again?

Coronavirus Shows Our Reliance On The ‘Precautionary Principle’ Has Ruined Our Ability To Manage Risk:

Photo by CDC on Unsplash


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Election Results 2019 – Who and what were the real winners?

It’s results day 2019!

In this episode, we discuss the UK General Election results. We look at statistics, trends, vote share and debate who, & what, were the real winners and losers this time around.

We may be relieved, but is the result actually bittersweet?

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General Election 2019 and the Current State of British Politics

It’s that time again! It’s polling day tomorrow, so we couldn’t record anything but a General Election special.

We discuss the latest YouGov MRP (whatever that stands for…), trends amongst other polls and the state of the current crop of political parties.

Just how close do we think the result will be? Will we be heading for a strong Tory majority? Or will we face another hung parliament? Are we really in a time of unprecedented political turmoil?

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A La Cartism, Boris and the next UK General Election

Has Boris found the magic centrist formula for winning the election with his championing of both the free market and the public sector? Or will the Conservatives desire to spend, spend, spend, cause them to look like Labour Lite?

After writing this blog post before there was a general election set, has anything changed?

We review Boris’s first campaign video and discuss whether this is all very smart politics, or if by shifting the Overton window ever statewards without making practical and moral cases for shrinking the state and getting out of our lives, it’s only a matter of time before a Communist gets into power.

Blog Post in the intro –

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Does a General Election Mean we Finally Get Brexit?

We’re finally having a general election.  But will it really solve the parliamentary problems we are currently experiencing?
Why are we in the situation we are in? Why are we having a General Election at all?
In this edition, Andrew and Nic discuss the craziness of the last couple of weeks in UK politics and that we have finally arrived at an early General Election.
Is it good for Boris and Tories, or are we about to see Jo Swinson swept to power on a tide of remain?
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