
Monarchy, The Pope and the Princess of Wales

What’s better, democracy or monarchy? We discuss societal systems from the past, along with how they have changed into what we know today, as well as some observations once again on voting, and whether it gives you any real choice at all.

Speaking on monarchy, what on earth has been going on with the British royals? We dissect some of the crazy, and postulate what might actually be going on, by trying to get inside the minds of the psychopaths at the helm.

Will the Princess of Wales appear as Kate II much like Biden II? Or are they preparing for a more radical change at the palace?

We then talk about the church, whether its collectivist and whether the Pope has made being unvaxxed a mortal sin.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

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Why don’t christians believe the bible?

Wouldn’t it be funny if it turned out that there isn’t a spiritual god mentioned in what we know of as the Bible?

What if the bad guys calculatingly and deliberately edited text, removed entire books and changed (or outright invented) definitions of words 2000 years ago in order to “create” religion?

Well Bible scholar and formal official Vatican translater Mauro Biglino has spent over a decade translating the books of the bible from the earliest versions available, and has found exactly that.

The Glory of God? Nope, that’s not what you think it is.

The Devil? Doesn’t exist in the Bible in any meaningful sense.

We discuss 2 of Biglino’s books – The Naked Bible and Gods of the Bible and the conversation he had with Graham Hancock, available here:

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

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