
Trading Tax Codes And Silo Spoilers


After Andrew asks a difficult question for conservative voters, Nic reveals the main plot and key twist of Apple TV show Silo in order to explore the methods and motives of those controlling society.

Can we find parallels in the real world? Do we ever really know the truth?

If you don’t want to hear the spoiler, only listen to the first 29 minutes.

Photo by K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash

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A La Cartism, Boris and the next UK General Election

Has Boris found the magic centrist formula for winning the election with his championing of both the free market and the public sector? Or will the Conservatives desire to spend, spend, spend, cause them to look like Labour Lite?

After writing this blog post before there was a general election set, has anything changed?

We review Boris’s first campaign video and discuss whether this is all very smart politics, or if by shifting the Overton window ever statewards without making practical and moral cases for shrinking the state and getting out of our lives, it’s only a matter of time before a Communist gets into power.

Blog Post in the intro –

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