Donald Trump

Trump’s Second First Day

Donald Trump is now America’s Next Top President. Again. It does feel though that this time he means slightly more business than before.

In this episode we discuss the executive orders Trump signed in his first couple of days and go back a couple of podcasts ago to see if the predictions we made about day one 2.0 came true…

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Trump, Biden and Alice

In this edition we talked about the results of the Election 24 and the appointments Trump is making to his cabinet such as Musk and RFKjr.  Was Kamala’s reaction expected?  Sleepy Joe seemed a lot happier too… We discuss the Biden crime family and what it means to pardon your son in this political climate.

Then Nic demos his new Rabbit Hole Scale and whether its possible to map certain types of people down the rabbit hole to some literary personas.

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Age Against The Machine

We start off discussing climate change, where Nic makes a startling apology.

But dig a little deeper and maybe its not quite as we think… You’ll need the links below, including the fascinating US Government report from the early ’70s.

Then how can we not talk about the race to be America’s Next Top President? Trump and Rogan has finally happened. We get into how Trump came across, and whether Harris is capable of talking about politics at all.

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Just How Suspicious Was The Trump Shooting?

No matter how you look at it, something isn’t right.

Of course the official narrative is the lone gunman. Its become cliché for American assassination attempts, and is exactly what the intelligence services want everyone to think.

But what about multiple shooters? Why did it take so long for the secret service to get Trump away? Why not cover the roof? And the water tower?

There are many questions to be answered and it appears that the They are quite happy with fostering multiple theories and creating an environment where, of course, it looks very suspicious.

We don’t have all the answers, but we speculate on some of the reasons behind the various strange events surrounding the failed assassination attempt on Trump.

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Office outbreak, Trump tests positive and what about the roads?

Some actual infections have finally occurred in Nic’s office, and of course, everyone is fine, but wouldn’t it have been better for this to happen in the summer months rather than trying to suppress until the changing of the seasons when all the other bugs appear again?

Trump also tests positive, along with his wife Melania. How long before the President bats away this virus? Would Biden fair any better? Will it change the course of the US election in a month?

And what about the roads?? As CityFibre threaten to dig up Nic’s garden and driveway, we talk about the age old argument against state ownership, but with a handy example in front of everyone’s faces: the internet.

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The Leave Campaign Needs Donald Trump – But Not The Way You Think

Many Leavers have suggested we need someone like Donald Trump in the Brexit Campaign. Someone with a strong track record in winning negotiations. Someone confident who isn’t afraid to stand up to world leaders. I can understand the appeal. The same has been said of Margaret Thatcher, suggesting she’d come back from Brussels with them paying us for the privilege of a trade deal (and not the other way around).

Whilst I can completely understand this reasoning, I think there would be a better place for him. As EU President.

Just bear with me for a moment on this. Think about it. It’s a win:win situation.

As one of the EU Presidents, say, instead of Tusk (The inferior Donald T), Trump could be amazing. Firstly, almost all of Remainers would switch sides. One of the reasons they love the EU is the big state, big government approach. What they’ve never appreciated is the EU has the potential to be led by the “wrong people”. Think back to the USA under Barack Obama. SJWs & leftists were all for state control until their party lost the 2016 election.

If Trump was in charge there’d be no more calls for a People’s Loser’s Vote. Oh no. Remainers would be trying to leave as soon as possible. There’d be marches in the streets with people wearing Never Trump t-shirts, setting fire to the EU flag, stamping on Make Europe Great Again hats. It would be marvellous.

Secondly, if, as I’ve said before, we don’t actually end up leaving, who better to lead the EU than a small state, free trade entrepreneur? He’d be slashing regulation, tearing up unnecessary legislation and breaking down trade barriers like there was no tomorrow. Now, I know Trump has put up tariffs on some items in the US, which I disagree with wholeheartedly, but the end game for him has always appeared to be completely free trade. He’s said as much himself on numerous occasions. As a fan of unilateral free trade I disagree with his tactics, but agree with his end goal.

So yes, a Trump or a Thatcher would be great on our side, but they’d be even more value on the other.

Brexit, Chequers & Trump

This week, we discuss the fallout, one week on, from the Chequers agreement, including cabinet resignations and the non-state visit from President Trump.

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