Elliott's Law

More Elliott’s Law, Normalising Heart Issues and Converging Opportunism

Remember Elliott’s Law from a previous edition? Andrew thinks he has an example outside of politics, in archeology. Although of course, it turns out everything is political.

Are there actually 2 laws, here? And can we broaden the scope of observations to cover more territory of human behaviour?

The corporate media are filling us with stories normalising cardiac issues – whether its blaming the weather, climate change or fitness, but definitely not the injections people have been brainwashed into having.

But who co-ordinates these messaging campaigns? And do they all have to agree? We discuss Mike Yeadon’s term “converging opportunism” and how it relates to the Great Suppression.

And finally, Andrew Lilico is a %$#&*.

Photo by jesse orrico on Unsplash

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I’m Forever Blowing Covids

This week, we’re back talking about the only game in town: the ‘rona.

We discuss the ridiculous behaviour of a new phenomenon: “leapers” and relay information about how well the new vaccine centre around the corner from Sounding Board HQ is doing. Spoiler: not very. We also discuss covid centrism, as well as applying it to Elliott’s Law to see if it still holds up. Andrew also predicts that kids blowing bubbles will soon be banned (or at least it will be called for).

Finally, we talk about the zero covid muppets and how they are precisely wrong about everything.

Photo by Trust “Tru” Katsande on Unsplash

Please visit our website to download or stream all our previous episodes and to read our articles.

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Sounding Board: https://twitter.com/soundboardpod
Andrew: https://twitter.com/no_coercion
Nic: https://twitter.com/MrNicElliott

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Elliott’s Law

This episode, we discuss Elliott’s Law, which Andrew has just created:

a) In politics, respect only flows one way: in the direction of statism.

People more statist than you are always “misguided”, people less statist are always “dangerous”.

There’s this idea that a little (or a lot) more state than what you prefer, is always far better than ever so slightly less.

b) The more you are demonised by people more statist than you, the more you demonise people less statist.

In this respect, objectivists are no better than any other socialist. In fact, they’re often worse.

We also discuss technocracy, which Nic has been investigating. Are technocrats the ultimate hard centrists?

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

Please visit our website to download or stream all our previous episodes and to read our articles.

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Please reach out to us on Twitter:

Sounding Board: https://twitter.com/soundboardpod
Andrew: https://twitter.com/no_coercion
Nic: https://twitter.com/MrNicElliott

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iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/sounding-board/id1413474037

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0BfeT7diEqD4S1dIkvWDEH

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