elliott's obsidian scalpel

Elliott’s Obsidian Scalpel

Andrew revisits the philosophical razors we’ve previously discussed, but rather than a flaming laser sword, comes up with an obsidian scalpel. We put it to the test, which leads us to another of our favourite things – a scale.

At Sounding Board we love a good spectrum, so Andrew details his 4 levels of clown show and we inevitably end up going full “cockup vs conspiracy” with a discussion on how far psychopathy pervades The Cathedral, and organisations in general.

What makes a useful idiot a psychopath? Just ask Matt Hancock.

Elon Musk’s X is also on the agenda, as he lets the original de-platformed Alex Jones back onto Twitter. What does this mean for the economics of twitter and its advertisers, and why does Instragram do such a a better job with its adverts?

And finally, we revisit germ theory and talk about our personal experiences of just not getting ill through the winter.

Photo by Elen Sher on Unsplash

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