joe biden

Trump’s Second First Day

Donald Trump is now America’s Next Top President. Again. It does feel though that this time he means slightly more business than before.

In this episode we discuss the executive orders Trump signed in his first couple of days and go back a couple of podcasts ago to see if the predictions we made about day one 2.0 came true…

Photo by History in HD on Unsplash

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Trump, Biden and Alice

In this edition we talked about the results of the Election 24 and the appointments Trump is making to his cabinet such as Musk and RFKjr.  Was Kamala’s reaction expected?  Sleepy Joe seemed a lot happier too… We discuss the Biden crime family and what it means to pardon your son in this political climate.

Then Nic demos his new Rabbit Hole Scale and whether its possible to map certain types of people down the rabbit hole to some literary personas.

Photo by Nicole Baster on Unsplash

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Democracy and why voting is wrong

How can it be in any doubt? Of course they want you to vote.

After a chat about Joe Biden and whether Andrew thinks he may have been too quick to judge that he’s been replaced, we get into an old favourite topic, voting.

Spurred on by articles by Miri AF, but also a desire to start building a coherent and consistent set of reasons, Nic goes through a list of notes that detail how democracy is flawed and voting is wrong.

Starting by categorising the reasons into groups, we discuss each one, and bring in some of Miri’s reasons to counter them.

Where we end up is not in question, but the number of reasons is staggering, and even if you take a simple moral view, its important to look at all the ways the system has been embedded, and what that means for society.

Photo by Elliott Stallion on Unsplash

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