traditional media

A Brief History of Israel

In this episode, Andrew starts by giving a brief history of Israel, something the pro-war media don’t want to talk about. He presents a concise series of events from the beginnings of the very first zionists in the late 1800s to the present day, with some information that is almost always left out of the mainstream.

As mentioned on the podcast, if you wish to know more, Darryl Cooper has an in depth podcast series called Fear and Loathing in the New Jerusalem on his Martyr Made podcast. It’s something like 20-25 hours long but is amazing and presented with a neutrality that is often absent on such subjects.

After that, Andrew asks a question about filtering in the mainstream media and whether only certain types of books and TV shows ever get made. Is this similar to the filtering Noam Chomsky mentions in his famous interview with Andrew Marr?

Photo by Sander Crombach on Unsplash

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Good news, free speech and the future of the media

This week we collate the amazing progress the world is actually making, before delving into why free speech is a good thing which leads us to discussing the future of traditional media.