
Transgender Sports, Conspiracy Theories and Contagion

This episode Andrew starts with an article about a topic he is genuinely an expert in: volleyball. Recently, a female volleyball player suffered head & neck injuries after being hit with a volleyball that was spiked by a trans woman (a man cosplaying as a woman). We discuss the gulf between men & women in volleyball, in wider sports and what is likely to happen in the near future.

We then talk a little about conspiracies, including 911 and the Joe Biden Replacement Theory where the President of the United States appears to have had surgery that’s given him webbed ears (why would you?).

After that, we talk about the differences between germ & terrain theories, where we stand on them and how contagion fits into them both.

Image is Andrew playing volleyball in the top division in England.

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Formal Language and Woke Culture

In a week dominated by reports in the media of parliament using inflammatory language, and the announcement that Sam Smith wants people to use new preferred pronouns, we discuss whether our natural language is becoming more like a formal one.

What are the differences between a formal and natural language? What’s the importance of context in our speech and communication?

Do our MPs go too far with words like “surrender” and “betrayal”?

We make predictions of where this may all end, and if we are seeing the turning point against woke culture.

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The Castor Semenya Controversy: Is it time for competition in competitions?

This week, we discuss Castor Semenya and the controversy surrounding intersex & transgender athletes. We talk about the definition of intersex, the rules around competing against females and if there’s a way forward that can please everyone.

Where should the line be drawn when deciding who can compete in the female category in sport?

Is this even the right question? Should there only be one set of rules?

Is there a way to treat all people fairly?

Are the media telling people everything about this particular, significant case?

Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

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