Episode Archives

Democracy and why voting is wrong

How can it be in any doubt? Of course they want you to vote.

After a chat about Joe Biden and whether Andrew thinks he may have been too quick to judge that he’s been replaced, we get into an old favourite topic, voting.

Spurred on by articles by Miri AF, but also a desire to start building a coherent and consistent set of reasons, Nic goes through a list of notes that detail how democracy is flawed and voting is wrong.

Starting by categorising the reasons into groups, we discuss each one, and bring in some of Miri’s reasons to counter them.

Where we end up is not in question, but the number of reasons is staggering, and even if you take a simple moral view, its important to look at all the ways the system has been embedded, and what that means for society.

Photo by Elliott Stallion on Unsplash

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A Brief History of Israel

In this episode, Andrew starts by giving a brief history of Israel, something the pro-war media don’t want to talk about. He presents a concise series of events from the beginnings of the very first zionists in the late 1800s to the present day, with some information that is almost always left out of the mainstream.

As mentioned on the podcast, if you wish to know more, Darryl Cooper has an in depth podcast series called Fear and Loathing in the New Jerusalem on his Martyr Made podcast. It’s something like 20-25 hours long but is amazing and presented with a neutrality that is often absent on such subjects.

After that, Andrew asks a question about filtering in the mainstream media and whether only certain types of books and TV shows ever get made. Is this similar to the filtering Noam Chomsky mentions in his famous interview with Andrew Marr?

Photo by Sander Crombach on Unsplash

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Terrain Theory, Covid Memories and AI Kate

Andrew finally gets ill, but upon analysis, we can’t help but conclude that his experience still supports terrain theory.

We talk about people on all sides of the political and covid spectrum, discussing Chris Cuomo’s marathon debate with Dave Smith and how Brian Rose’s experience with David Icke got him deplatformed, and led to him to change his mind on the government reaction.

We then move onto two of our favourite subjects: religion, and voting. Which one makes you more of a normie? The jury is still out, but we analyse normie behaviour and and how it also pertains to Princess Kate, and whether she is now composed entirely of AI, much like the twin tower planes.

Photo by Devyn Holman on Unsplash

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Chemtrails, Kate and Cancer

In this episode, we talk about a whole bunch of topics. Mostly because it’s been a while since we released a podcast and had a long conversation about anything.

To begin with, Andrew makes an observation about memes and how they behave almost organically. Andrew then asks another of his “genuine questions”, this time directed at conservative voters.

We then talk a bit about a whole bunch of things; including chemtrails, where we wonder whether they were deliberately stopped before the lockdown in 2020; Kate Middleton, where we discuss how the video released was worse than all the recent photos of “her”; and whether we are likely to die of cancer.


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Why Are Some People Never Ill?

This week, Andrew muses why he’s never ill. At least, not for a few years. He was never ill that often, but what changed in 2021? He certainly changed a few things about his lifestyle, but then so did Nic, and Nic has been ill a few times, recently. We decide to tackle this scientifically and try to ascertain what it is that Andy now does that prevents him from ever getting sick. Is it chicken soup? Crystals? Could it be gin…?

After that, we reflect on our previous podcast and what we said about Kate (and the obviously dodgy photos of her). Since then, she has released a video talking about a cancer diagnosis. Just what is going on? Did we jump to conclusions? Or is something afoot that we don’t know about yet?

Also, check out the image of a “virus” from the CDC. I’m sure it’s a complete coincidence that it’s in the cathedral’s favourite shades of blue and yellow (see the Ukraine flag, every poster from the NHS and the Rothschild’s coat of arms…)

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

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Monarchy, The Pope and the Princess of Wales

What’s better, democracy or monarchy? We discuss societal systems from the past, along with how they have changed into what we know today, as well as some observations once again on voting, and whether it gives you any real choice at all.

Speaking on monarchy, what on earth has been going on with the British royals? We dissect some of the crazy, and postulate what might actually be going on, by trying to get inside the minds of the psychopaths at the helm.

Will the Princess of Wales appear as Kate II much like Biden II? Or are they preparing for a more radical change at the palace?

We then talk about the church, whether its collectivist and whether the Pope has made being unvaxxed a mortal sin.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

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Trade Offs, Trans Ideology and Tyrannical Religionists

In this episode, Andrew starts off with an observation about trade offs and how it’s not just the left who doesn’t understand them properly.

We then move on to trans ideology where Andrew asks another of his ‘genuine questions’ on how trans beliefs could possibly work in parallel with sexuality.

After this, we move on to the bulk of the podcast where Nic shares an article from one of our inspirations, James Delingpole, about how he thinks Christians should tackle ‘non-believers’. We try not to dissect it line by line, but there is a lot we need to tackle in there, as respectfully as we know how…

This is a long one so make yourself a coffee, find a comfy chair and enjoy!

Photo by Malcolm Lightbody on Unsplash

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Dark Psychology

This episode, we talk about a whole bunch of stuff. But, unintentionally almost all of it leads to psychology. Dark psychology. We talk about religion, and how it can incentivise evil. We talk about the spread of good & evil in society and why you should probably expect the same spread at the elite level. Or at the very least, you shouldn’t expect less evil people up there in vice wielding territory.

We then move onto the trans agenda and how fighting this particular type of control may be more important than you might think. Is it just a distraction? Or could there me more at stake than meets the eye?

From there, we talk about different trans identities and how the current batch aren’t actually that original, and they lack both style and substance compared with the people they’re copying.

After that, we move from transgenderism to transhumanism, incorporating AI. But is it really AI? Just how intelligent are the current batch of LLMs? And was that Elon Musk phoning into the Alex Jones show the other day, pretending to be a normal punter, to give his opinion on it?

If that isn’t enough, we chat about the recent Vladimir Putin interview with Tucker Carlson. The only interview a western journalist has had with the Russian leader since the war began. We also touch a little on cancel culture and comebacks and how Tucker instantly became bigger than he ever was.

Photo by Alicia Christin Gerald on Unsplash

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The Bible Is A Bad Faith Document

It’s religion again, this time.

Although, firstly we feel we have to talk about the recent James Delingpole / David Icke event or, more specifically, the reaction from James afterwards.

You can watch it yourself here if you want to, before listening to this podcast: https://delingpole.substack.com/p/david-icke

During the event, James accuses David of being “one of them” which was a surprise to us all. He’s written a blog post about it since, although it is behind a paywall, and he’s discussed it with his brother Dick on the Delingpod. Regular listeners of this podcast (all 5 of you), will know that we are fans of both James (and Dick) and David, so it’s not easy for us to comment on this or make criticisms. But we feel we must. We do encourage you to watch/listen for yourself though and make up your own mind.

After that, we talk a little about Christianity in general as Nic has read Gods Of The Bible by Mauro Biglino again and then, if we haven’t lost enough listeners by that point, Andrew talks about voters again and how you need to take into account the average intelligence of the voting pool when taking part in such farcical activities as democracy.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

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Professor Dolores Cahill Seminar – Part 2

Welcome to another special edition of Sounding Board.

The last episode was part one of a talk given by Professor Dolores Cahill, last year. This episode is part two.

In this one, the second half, Dolores continues to talk about co-ops and the law. As well as telling us a little about her fascinating history.

Like the last episode, it is an honour to be able to release this one so you can enjoy it as much as I did.

Once again, please enjoy this fantastic edition of the sounding board podcast with Professor Dolores Cahill.

You can find Dolores at her website https://profdolorescahill.com/ and at https://custodean.com/

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Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0BfeT7diEqD4S1dIkvWDEH

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