In this episode, Andrew looks and the combined worth of all billionaires in the UK, and just what that cash would provide if the government, say, just took it all.

It’s the type of rhetoric the left use all the time: “We just need to tax the billionaires”. Well, we take it to the extreme and look into what we’d get if we didn’t just tax them, but bankrupted them. If we took everything they had and sold it, how long would that money last? Spoiler alert: it’s not long

We then look at cybernetics and the study of systems. Should you define a system by what you say it does? Or what it actually does?

Finally, we talk a bit about Covid (it’s been a while), and how we’ve refined our models with regards to viruses, vaccines and the medical industrial complex in general.

Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

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