
Do libertarians need encouragement?

On this, our 100th podcast, we talk about whether its a trait of those who love freedom to have the confidence to be a self starter, and just get on with things. Do you need encouragement or praise, or do you employ critical thinking and rational self-interest in order to know you’re doing the right...

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The Fall Of Nicolae Ceausescu

In this episode, Andrew tells the story of Nicolae Ceausescu. Something he’s wanted to do since Christmas 2019, the thirty year anniversary of his execution. From a troubled upbringing including multiple teenage arrests to his blackly comic last stand in Bucharest, Andrew tries to illustrate just how evil, and insane, he really was. This podcast...

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What Colour Pill Have You Taken?

Can naming your children really make a difference? Nic certainly seems to think so as he explains to Andrew why he thinks his immediate family must undoubtedly be the solution to the world’s problems and why he’s now a little more white pilled. We then discuss what it means to be red, blue, white or...

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Inject or infect?

Andrew revists a libertarian thought experiment and applies it to virus infections & government jabs to see whether the state is once again guilty of cakeism. Surely we can apply the same rules to both injections and infections? And Nic decides to find out what the UK medicines regulator means when it says the Covid...

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Motorcar Musings

Over the past couple of months, Andrew has found that some of his best thoughts come when he’s driving. As he can’t very well text and drive, he’s been recording them on his phone. With a couple of months of recordings now accumulated, he decided to play them to Nic in order for them to...

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Steel Manning Vaccines

This week, Nic wants to steel man vaccines. Let’s be honest. We struggle with this one! Is it possible to steel man the arguments for vaccinating the entire population (including people who have had it and are now immune) without steel manning authoritarianism? We certainly give it the old college try along with making a...

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Gamers – will they save us?

This episode Andrew wants to talk about something close to his heart: Gaming. More specifically, he wants to talk about gamers, as they have been in and out of the media for the past few years. We start by talking about games themselves and what they entail, to give you an idea of the type...

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I’m Forever Blowing Covids

This week, we’re back talking about the only game in town: the ‘rona. We discuss the ridiculous behaviour of a new phenomenon: “leapers” and relay information about how well the new vaccine centre around the corner from Sounding Board HQ is doing. Spoiler: not very. We also discuss covid centrism, as well as applying it...

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Have No Morals But Your Own

Andrew is calling for a General Election, but do we really want Keith in charge? Is there a better model of healthcare for the Covid age? Are neo-liberals just itching to tame but not eliminate state intervention? And have people outsourced their morals to a higher power – the state. Please visit our website to...

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Cancel Culture

Speak to anyone on the evangelical left, and they’ll tell you that cancel culture doesn’t exist. They’ll maintain that cancel culture is merely just consequences. That people are simply being held to account for things that they are saying or doing. And by holding them to account, they’re only using free speech. But the question...

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