
Balance signalling

Why are some people sound on some topics yet catastrophic on others Is it a deliberate tactic to not get branded a conspiracy theorist? Is it a form of signalling? In this podcast we try to get to the bottom of this strange but common phenomenon before talking about vaccines, political journeys and the difference...

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Why now?

The world economy is collapsing. But why would the vice wielders, those that pull the strings of governments, the media & big corporations, want to destroy what they’ve spent decades, even hundreds of years creating? And why now? The last two and half years have seen a rapid acceleration in the sheer force of what...

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Bodily Autonomy, Bugs, Birth Rates, Bicyclism and Blax Cuts

Today’s episode is brought to you by the letter “B”. Not intentionally, but a few topics started with it and we managed to crowbar a few more in. We start off with the repeal of Roe v Wade and ask why pro choice libertarians don’t seem to think moving decisions closer to the people they...

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We questioned whether or not to even release this edition of Sounding Board. Recorded on 10 May 2022, it’s one of our longest recordings – but its dark. It’s Andrew’s turn to be feeling a bit low on humanity. From the destruction of food processing plants to Bill Gates’ new book, the Pfizer document drops...

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Thinking Things Through

Sometimes people just don’t think things through.  They don’t think about the ramifications or simple interpretations of what they are spreading around. Andrew has some observations of examples of precisely these viral memes and trends that were truly wide of the mark, but not maybe in the way you originally thought. Does it change your...

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Tractor Porn and Ginger Growlers

It’s been a while since we released a podcast, so Nic starts off explaining why. With so much to talk about, this ended up being a long session. So, make yourself a drink and grab a comfy chair before you begin. We’ve added timings below if you want to skip to certain sections. 0:48 Why...

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Would everybody just shut up about Yemen

Isn’t it funny how suddenly everyone is concerned with a foreign power bombing and invading a neighbour thousands of miles away, yet that is exactly what has been happening for nearly 8 years, but in a different part of the world. The media and the politicians tell you you must focus on Ukraine now, and...

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Trucker Spring and the Narrative Unravelling

With Castreau invoking the never before used Emergencies Act, our eyes are on Canada once more and the Trucker Spring. We compare this movement to the BLM protests (with associated riots and occupations – CHAZ anyone?) and the freedom marches. Just how violent is it? But all the while the covid narrative keeps crumbling, across...

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The Trucker Spring in Canada has put more focus on Justin Trudeau, as he pushes more and more draconian measures to try and stop it. As a result, the photos and stories about his origins are flooding social media again. Is it true? Well, as Andrew discusses whether or not he believes this particular conspiracy,...

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What Does The Future Hold?

After a brief chat about the return to some old social media platforms, following on from our last podcast, Andrew makes a few predictions about what may happen in the future. Speculations around how people may behave, what they may say and how the narrative may change. Time will tell whether these are more accurate...

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