When people say they are following The Science(tm) do they really mean they are following orders?

How do you row back from additional interventions when they aren’t based on anything at all, let alone The Science(tm) or The Orders?

We discuss stupid examples of interventions, whether its schools or supermarkets, and how if the scaremongering was right, that they would actually make things worse with their actions, not better.

The CDC moves the goalposts on testing the vaccinated for Covid, which leads us to discuss whether any government statistic is worth believing at all. For example, have there really been that many vaccinations in the UK, or is that more government propaganda?

Nic comments on how people’s approach to the experimental gene therapies appears to have parity with their approach to masking, even though one is removable, and the other is not.

And Andrew asks if masks work, why do you need the vaccine, and if the vaccine works, why are you still wearing a mask?

Is it all just about virtue signalling and high status opinions?

All this and more in this week’s edition.

Photo by Maskmedicare Shop on Unsplash

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2 comments on The Science

  1. Al Jahom says:

    As a novel euphemism for ‘on the spectrum’ I propose “He’s Upton Sinclair”.

    “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”

  2. Al Jahom says:

    PS In writing that last comment, I looked at the Wikipedia page for Upton Sinclair. It’s utterly fascinating, give it a look.

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