Why doesn’t SAGE model positive scenarios?

It’s a week before Christmas, and the veil has been lifted once more on the decision making at the highest levels of government in the UK.

In a rare moment on twitter, the head of modelling for the government’s SAGE committee admitted that it would be essentially pointless to model positive outcomes of covid this winter, and that actually it’s policy makers that decide what to model.

We discuss that decision making process and how it’s only designed to go in one direction.

Nic thinks this is one of many examples where the tide is starting to turn, but will a good old fashioned lockdown be enough to dissuade people again?

From Facebook fact checks to Libertarian Party politics, we wrap up 2021 with the most positive message we can give – don’t comply, and have a very merry Christmas.

Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash

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2 comments on Why doesn’t SAGE model positive scenarios?

  1. Al Jahom says:

    It appears that you’re not aware of the saga of the LPUK (Libertarian Party of the UK).

    The strange tales of Ian Parker Joseph, Anna Raccoon, Old Holborn (Bob Ambridge), Henry North London (Rohen Kapur) and Chris Mounsey.

    The electoral fraud allegations, the descents into madness, the absolute railing of Chris Mounsey by Andrew Neill on live TV.

    It was really quite the soap opera 10 or so years ago in the London Libertarian world.

    The answer to the question of “what happens if you set up a Libertarian Party in the UK is clear. Total and complete clusterfuck which eventually gets fired into the sun.

    I’m digging into it all to refresh my memory and it’s very entertaining.

    Have a read of this: https://annaraccoon.com/2011/04/14/libertarian-liberties/

    Look out for the traduced Dr Kapur’s appearance in the comments.

    I just wish I could find the footage of then LPUK leader Chris Mounsey on Andrew Neill’s TV show being held to account for all of his hyperbolic & lurid expressions of libertarian ideas on his ‘Devil’s Kitchen’ blog. It was possibly the most gruesome thing I’ve seen on a UK political show.

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