It seems that every day some virtue signalling celebrity comments on how they should pay more tax. We discuss this very issue in the latest edition of Sounding Board. If you haven’t listened already, it’s available here.
In it, we analyse statistics from the British Government on how much people actually donate to the treasury. Spoiler: virtually nothing.
It would appear then, that these are just weasel words, designed to elevate the sayer’s status without actually doing anything or backing them up with actions. A couple of days after publishing the podcast, as if by magic, one such person ended up on my Twitter timeline.
This was his original tweet:
Classic virtue signalling. “I’d willingly pay more tax”. I thought I’d see if he actually did.
Well, colour me shocked. No extra, whatsoever.
So there we go. It’s always, always the same:
“I should pay more tax.”
“Great! Here’s how.”
“I didn’t mean just me. I’m not unless we’re all forced to.”
If you ever encounter anyone saying they should pay more tax, point them in the direction of the treasury.