
Twitter files, midwits and heart damage

There have been more twitter files releases, both on how the company worked with US intelligence agencies hand in glove, and on Covid related matters, such as suppressing antivaxxers and banning medical doctors.

Did they really establish teams of off-shore operators to decide if tweets mentioning myocarditis should be censored or not?

We talk about Yoel Roth, and midwits in general, and then get into the distressing subject of heart damage in the vaccinated.

Andrew has a theory on this – can Bret Weinsten help us?

And finally, we break down what kind of year 2022 has been, and what we might have in store for 2023.

Photo by Marija Zaric on Unsplash

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Twitter Files – Part Two

In this episode, we continue to talk about the Twitter Files as 8 more threads have been dropped by independent journalists with data drops from Elon Musk.

We also talk a little bit about Matt Hancock’s diaries, Covid tyranny (for a change), Strep A and Kanye West’s recent media appearances.

Photo by Souvik Banerjee on Unsplash

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Twitter Files – Part One

Time for a special two parter – but only because the recorder got full and we lost the second half. Oops.

So tune in next time when we will cover the topics the recorder missed, such as Matt Hancock’s diaries, a look back at our lockdown stance, and a discussion on the artist now known as Ye.

For now, delve in to the #twitterfiles where we talk about the release of correspondance from Twitter on the Hunter Biden laptop story from 2020 in an attempt by Elon Musk to be more transparent.

Did the employees at twitter just make up the rules as they went along? How far does a policy stretch?

As more emerges from twitter HQ, expect a recap in Part Two where we’ll dive into the politics of social media, and the power (or lack of it) of the legacy media.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

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Real scepticism has never been tried

Population growth is slowing, but is that evidence of a long campaign to depopulate the earth? Or is it just the continued development of poorer countries?

Nic gets tangled up with some creationists which leads to a discussion on purity tests and more examples of Elliotts’ Laws.

And who is giving scepticism a bad name?

Photo by Tom Radetzki on Unsplash

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Audience Capture, Vaccine Absolutism and Rediscovering Ancient Technology


This episode Andrew begins with asking the question: Do we want people to share this podcast? He gives a few reasons why he’s been asking himself this for a couple of weeks now and we chat through why we may not want these podcasts to go viral.

We then talk a little about a ridiculous new slur: vaccine absolutist. It’s been doing the rounds on Twitter. Have you heard it?

Then, the main bulk of the podcast is a discussion on different ways to generate energy, based in part on the recent Joe Rogan podcast with Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson. There are links below to both the podcast episode and also to Graham Hancock’s recent Netflix series (which includes both Joe and Randall). We encourage you to watch both.

Ancient Apocalypse Episode 1: Once There Was A Flood

The Joe Rogan Experience with Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson

Photo by Nada Habashy on Unsplash

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White Pills

This episode, we focus on the positive things that are happening in the world. From sound politicians (in other countries) to crypto currencies to vaccine hesitancy (and a few more, besides).

It’s easy to focus on the negatives, but this week we hope to lighten your mood by discussing a multitude of stories that, while some may at first seem negative, can only lead to positive outcomes overall.

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

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F***wit or Fiend

This episode Andrew starts with a quick correction, another amusing rock, then on to the main event after a few minutes: A brand new game…

Can Nic tell the difference between evil and idiocy?

Photo by Tom Roberts on Unsplash

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A History Of Violence

Have you wondered how government became the way it is? In this episode, I take a look at the history of the state. How states came into being and how they morphed into the totalitarian juggernauts they are today.

We also answer a question about voluntaryism from one of our listeners and talk a little about delicious rocks.

Photo by Aditya Joshi on Unsplash

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What Will You Tolerate?

You probably think the government does some good things. It’s why you vote.

You might think that at least some regulation is needed to prevent sub standard goods entering the market place. Possibly you think that the state is the only mechanism for courts, the police and… roads.

Perhaps you think the safety net of the NHS and income support can only be provided by government.

If so, just what are you willing to tolerate?

How many bad things can the government do before you say no?

How many lives have to be destroyed by lockdowns?

How many wars need to be started?

How many children need to be starved to death in Yemen?

I ask again. What will you tolerate?

(Blurry) image by Andrew Elliott

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Can you be a centrist on everything?

Is it possible to have a moderate/centrist view on a conspiracy theory?

How about something as simple as food? Are vegans and carnivore the extremists and omnivores to sensible centrists?

We discuss spectra other than the classic political left/right axis and whether there are any other nuanced, moderate positions that we might hold.

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

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