You probably think the government does some good things. It’s why you vote.

You might think that at least some regulation is needed to prevent sub standard goods entering the market place. Possibly you think that the state is the only mechanism for courts, the police and… roads.

Perhaps you think the safety net of the NHS and income support can only be provided by government.

If so, just what are you willing to tolerate?

How many bad things can the government do before you say no?

How many lives have to be destroyed by lockdowns?

How many wars need to be started?

How many children need to be starved to death in Yemen?

I ask again. What will you tolerate?

(Blurry) image by Andrew Elliott

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2 comments on What Will You Tolerate?

  1. sarah says:

    Hello Nic and Andrew
    Been listening to your podcast for about six months now and I enjoy your relaxed conversation It almost feels like I’m in the room with you.
    I live in Australia and yes, voting is compulsory so for many years I’ve been paying fines. There are three different elections: local council, state, and federal, so it adds up. The State fines are the steepest, followed by local council and Federal is the cheapest being at $20 and the others at $55 and $70 respectively, last time I checked.
    I only voted in this last Federal election because I was desperate to see a change. (Fool me.)
    For obvious reasons I cannot comment any more. If you had a postal address, perhaps.
    Good luck. (PS. email not real one)

    1. Nic Elliott says:

      Apologies for not replying before.

      Very much love it when a listener who knows the details gets the data to us.

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