
Democracy and why voting is wrong

How can it be in any doubt? Of course they want you to vote.

After a chat about Joe Biden and whether Andrew thinks he may have been too quick to judge that he’s been replaced, we get into an old favourite topic, voting.

Spurred on by articles by Miri AF, but also a desire to start building a coherent and consistent set of reasons, Nic goes through a list of notes that detail how democracy is flawed and voting is wrong.

Starting by categorising the reasons into groups, we discuss each one, and bring in some of Miri’s reasons to counter them.

Where we end up is not in question, but the number of reasons is staggering, and even if you take a simple moral view, its important to look at all the ways the system has been embedded, and what that means for society.

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Monarchy, The Pope and the Princess of Wales

What’s better, democracy or monarchy? We discuss societal systems from the past, along with how they have changed into what we know today, as well as some observations once again on voting, and whether it gives you any real choice at all.

Speaking on monarchy, what on earth has been going on with the British royals? We dissect some of the crazy, and postulate what might actually be going on, by trying to get inside the minds of the psychopaths at the helm.

Will the Princess of Wales appear as Kate II much like Biden II? Or are they preparing for a more radical change at the palace?

We then talk about the church, whether its collectivist and whether the Pope has made being unvaxxed a mortal sin.

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The Bible Is A Bad Faith Document

It’s religion again, this time.

Although, firstly we feel we have to talk about the recent James Delingpole / David Icke event or, more specifically, the reaction from James afterwards.

You can watch it yourself here if you want to, before listening to this podcast:

During the event, James accuses David of being “one of them” which was a surprise to us all. He’s written a blog post about it since, although it is behind a paywall, and he’s discussed it with his brother Dick on the Delingpod. Regular listeners of this podcast (all 5 of you), will know that we are fans of both James (and Dick) and David, so it’s not easy for us to comment on this or make criticisms. But we feel we must. We do encourage you to watch/listen for yourself though and make up your own mind.

After that, we talk a little about Christianity in general as Nic has read Gods Of The Bible by Mauro Biglino again and then, if we haven’t lost enough listeners by that point, Andrew talks about voters again and how you need to take into account the average intelligence of the voting pool when taking part in such farcical activities as democracy.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

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What Will You Tolerate?

You probably think the government does some good things. It’s why you vote.

You might think that at least some regulation is needed to prevent sub standard goods entering the market place. Possibly you think that the state is the only mechanism for courts, the police and… roads.

Perhaps you think the safety net of the NHS and income support can only be provided by government.

If so, just what are you willing to tolerate?

How many bad things can the government do before you say no?

How many lives have to be destroyed by lockdowns?

How many wars need to be started?

How many children need to be starved to death in Yemen?

I ask again. What will you tolerate?

(Blurry) image by Andrew Elliott

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Bonus Episode – The Tyranny Of The Majority

This is an audio recording of a blog post I wrote in February of last year, but is still relevant. You can find it here, on our website: If we’re going to argue about the tyranny of the majority, I will win.

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Is Democracy A Check On Power?

The biggest encroachment on civil liberties has taken place in 2020, and under a Conservative government.  How did this happen without any scrutiny?

Democracy was one of the first things to be suspended, so how can it be used to check the power of those at the top?

Do opposition parties ever oppose when it really matters?  Or when they sense a threat to the entire establishment, do they buckle up for the ride, so as to maintain their place in the system?

And what of the rule of law?  Sacrosanct for some, but if bad laws are passed, isn’t it our moral duty to disobey them?

We discuss all this and more, in the latest edition of Sounding Board.

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Rigged Elections and Whether the Right is a Threat

On this our 50th edition, Andrew puts to Nic a thought experiment where a general election is rigged in order to get freedom lovers in power.
Would that be a good thing?  What are the moral implications?  Should outcomes matter more than methods?
This leads us onto whether the political right are a threat any more and whether we should only be afraid of the left taking control of the levers of government.
Finally, what of the terms “far left” and “far right”?  Are they used appropriately in the legacy media and corporate press?
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Photo by Randy Colas on Unsplash

If we’re going to argue about the tyranny of the majority, I will win

So, we’ve finally left the EU. But this hasn’t stopped a few ardent remainers from trotting out some of the arguments they’ve been making for the past three and a half years.

The one that fascinates me most is the one that goes something like “x voted to remain”. You’ve seen the claims. “Scotland voted remain” or “London voted Remain”. Sometimes they’re grouped together, for impact, like this tweet from a disgraced member of the corporate press:

This always seems to me to be a strange argument, but one I’m actually happy to back (although they won’t like the support I’m giving it). It’s one of those points that you know they just haven’t thought about enough. They cannot have thought it through, or taken it to the next stage (never mind its logical conclusion).

Let’s do that for them.

Their point must, for they wouldn’t have said it otherwise, be that this is somehow important. That x (let’s use Scotland) voted to remain. That the people of Scotland (a subsection of the broader referendum area) are being overruled. It’s worth pointing out at this stage that this was a UK referendum. There were no constituencies, no countries, no cities, just one big vote, winner takes all. This wasn’t a first past the post vote for a number of seats, like in a General Election. Any area that remainers are speaking of is arbitrary (unless it’s the whole of the UK). So why are they doing it?

Is it that it’s bad for a larger population to govern a smaller one? To somehow dictate terms to people who don’t want decisions imposed on them? Because I say let’s take this further. You talk about Scotland. Not everyone in Scotland voted to remain. Many voted to leave. What about them? If it’s not ok for the larger part of the UK to dominate a smaller part, why is it ok for the larger part of Scotland to do the very same thing?

I love the idea that a larger group should not impose its will on a smaller group, which is exactly what they don’t realise they’re saying.

If Scotland shouldn’t have to listen to the rest of the UK, why should Glasgow have to listen to the rest of Scotland? Why should a village with a Glasgow postcode listen to the rest of Glasgow? Why should households in that postcode listen to the rest of them? In fact, why should any individual listen to any majority? Why should anyone have power over another, simply because they’re larger in number?

This is the logical conclusion of their argument.

It also helps us to point out that the larger the democratic area, the greater the number of people who will be disappointed. So why do they use it to argue for membership of an organisation that has the ability to impose its will on multiple countries every time a new law or regulation is passed? Indeed, if your argument is against the tyranny of the majority, you should logically be calling for the smallest possible majority to prevent any unnecessary tyranny whatsoever. Which leads you to the democracy of one: The individual.

This is why I’m all for their argument. Why should people tell you how to live your life because they outnumber you? Why should any group impose their morals on a group of lesser members? Why should a number of people have power, authority and control over any smaller number?

Let’s not play the democracy game. It’s easy to talk like Brendan O’Neill and say that we should always rely on the wisdom of crowds, that we should trust in the democratic will of the people and that we should put our faith in the collective decision making of the entire population. Collective decision making gave us Theresa May and over any reasonable length of time you, personally, will be overruled by the majority for no good reason.

Instead, let’s play them at their own game and play to win. Yes. You’re quite right. The rest of Britain shouldn’t impose its will on Scotland and nobody else should impose their will on me.


Photo by Adam Wilson on Unsplash

Democracy, Libertarianism and the Trouble with Voting

Recorded straight after the last edition, we follow on with a discussion on the problems of our democratic system and whether we only have a choice of the “least worst” from here on in.

We talk about whether voting matters in a “safe seat”, and whether we have been unwittingly encouraging others to vote on twitter by pointing out how dangerous the Labour Party policies are.

Should Nic hold his nose and vote Tory to stop the Communists? Where do you draw the line with Socialism? Should you always vote for the least Socialist party?

We discuss all of this, and a hypothetical Libertarian Party that would have the power to dismantle all of it…if only they were voted in.

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Proroguing Parliament: What does it really mean for Brexit?

As predicted, Boris Johnson has decided to end the current parliamentary session (the longest in modern times), and trigger a new Queen’s Speech. Remainists are naturally going crazy, and talking of constitutional outrage.

But what does it actually mean for Brexit on 31 October? Is there time for fast-tracked, Bercow-enabled law that would either revoke Article 50, extend the deadline, or somehow prevent a “no deal”? What about passing a law that would stop prorogation itself? Is there even time left now in the parliamentary session?

We discuss all this and the finer details of the Fixed Term Parliament Act, and whether Boris has pulled a blinder.

Fixed Term Parliament Act 2011 –

House of Commons Library Briefing Paper on Prorogation –

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