
Exam Grades, the Rule of Six and Our Growing Police State

Nic is back from Cornwall after cancelling his trip to Corfu, but how much of a holiday was it, being herded through one way systems, with mask nazis everywhere? He also shares his recent experiences with masks and how its stopped him attending medical appointments. We cover the exam grading debacle, where yet another computer...

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Virtue Broadcasting

Further to Andrew’s recent blog post about Virtue Broadcasting, we take the topic further. We discuss virtue signalling in general, before moving on to the louder, shoutier form that is broadcasting. We talk about different forms of signals, from Twitter bios to mask wearing to clapping like a trained chimpanzee every Thursday evening. We talk...

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The Chocolate Episode

In this edition we review some of the latest polling and see just how crazy the numbers are for people supporting the unprecedented government interventions of 2020.  Does it very much if you are a Labour or Tory voter or are they all happy to be authoritarian in an pandemic. Andrew tells the story of...

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Left Leaning Language and Grievance Signalling

Is a common language enough any more or do you need to somehow signal your political or woke intentions?  How does that work when the Overton Window shifts so frequently? We talk about the evolution of terms such as “Coloured People” and “People of Colour” to define groups of people, and whether its a feature...

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Hackonomics: Market Forces and Unethical Behaviour

With the recent hacking attacks at Twitter and Garmin, Nic explains the detail behind another attack on a company called Blackbaud. They claim to have stopped a cyberattack, but they are explicit that they paid the ransom demand. Can companies really guarantee their data is not going to be released or sold after paying the...

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Can Libertarianism Ever Take the UK?

The US has a different political structure as well as a culture with more emphasis on liberty – at least superficially. It also has a Libertarian Party that fields candidates for President. But what about the UK?  Who is the closest we have to a Ron Paul and can they succeed anywhere in the current...

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Agent Based Behaviour Modelling

When did locking down a population, or closing schools become the agreed way of dealing with an epidemic? Andrew explains where the lockdown model was pioneered (you won’t believe it if you don’t already know), and we discuss why it became popular as a methodology despite being so flawed. Why were policy makers so ready...

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Real Maskism Has Never Been Tried

Over four months since the peak of Covid19 infections in Britain and the government thinks that now is the right time to mandate mask wearing in shops. Aside from the morality of the state telling you how to dress, do these loose pieces of cloth actually do anything? This edition, we talk about the utter...

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Libertarian Good Reads

For weeks, Andrew has been pestering Nic to talk about books. To keep him happy, in this edition Nic interviews Andrew about a handful of his favourite reads. Starting out with Economics In One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt, Andrew moves on to discussing four of his favourite novels; George Orwell’s 1984, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New...

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Dan Cure on Libertarian Drinks, Useless Politicians and Political Journeys

In this edition we have our second special guest, our good friend Mr Dan Cure, Libertarian Drinks and Third Wednesday legend. We talk to Dan about his political journey, the state of the conservative party and Third Wednesdays, the monthly Libertarian Drinks meet up for freedom lovers in the Midlands before moving on to a...

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